
60 Best Coffee Quotes & Sayings

“Given enough coffee, I could rule the world.” – Unknown

“Science may never come up with a better communication system than the coffee break.” – Earl Wilson

“Life happens, coffee helps.” – Unknown

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“My coffee machine is the most beautiful person in the world to me.” – Unknown

“I like instant gratification. It’s like instant coffee, only it won’t keep you up all night.” – Jarod Kintz

“When life gives you lemons, trade if for coffee.” – Unknown

“I put instant coffee in the microwave oven and almost went back in time.” – Steven Wright.

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“First I do the coffee, then I do the things.” – Unknown

“What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup.” – Henry Rollins

“May your coffee be strong and Monday short.” – Unknown

“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons.” T.S. Elliot

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“Caffeine, it maintains my sunny personality.” – Unknown

“A cup of gourmet coffee share with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent.” – Unknown

“I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon.” – Ronald Regan

“Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.” – Unknown

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“Life is what happens between coffee and wine.” – Unknown

“It’s amazing how the world begins to change through the eyes of a cup of coffee.” – Donna Favors

“Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you coffee and that’s pretty much the same thing.” – Unknown

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“Come on, don’t you ever stop and smell the coffee?” – Justina Chen Headley

“Coffee and chocolate – the inventor of mocha should be sainted.”

“A morning coffee is my favorite way of starting the day, settling the nerves so that they don’t later fray.” – Marcia Carrington

“It doesn’t matter where you’re from or how you feel..There’s always peace in a strong cup of coffee.” – Gabriel Ba

“No matter what historian claimed, BC really stood for “Before Coffee.” – Cherise Sinclair

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“Coffee cares, coffee understands.” – Unknown

“Coffee…because it’s to early for wine.” – Unknown

“My birthstone is a coffee bean.” – Unknown

“Coffee is a hug in a mug.” – Unknown

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“It doesn’t matter where you’re from – or how you feel… There’s always peace in a strong cup of coffee.” ― Gabriel Bá

“The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

“The powers of a man’s mind are directly proportioned to the quantity of coffee he drinks.” ― Sir James Mackintosh

“I sipped my own coffee, heavy on the sugar and cream, trying to make up for the late work the night before. Caffeine and sugar, the two basic food groups.”
Laurell K. Hamilton

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“Sometimes you gotta drink some coffee, put on some rock n’ roll, and handle your business.” – Unknown

“Patience is the time between drinking a cup of coffee and the motivation to begin your day.” – Unknown

“One day without coffee is like….just kidding I have no idea.” – Unknown

“This house runs on love, laughter and a whole lot of coffee.” – Unknown

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“I need COFFEE to help me change the things I can… and WINE to help me accept the things I can’t!” ― Tanya Mass

“I have a strong theory that you can tell a lot about someone by their coffee order.”
Emmie Lee Dean

“Life happens…coffee helps.” – Unknown

“Coffee, the favorite drink of the civilized world.” – Thomas Jefferson


“Smell the roses. Smell the coffee. Whatever it is that makes you happy.” – Rita Moreno

“I love going to coffee shops and just sitting and listening.” Julie Roberts

“Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks?” – Steven Wright

“What goes best with a cup of coffee.? Another Cup.” – Henry Rollins

“Spilling your coffee is the equivalent of loosing your balloon.” – Unknown

“First I do the coffee, then I do the things.” – Unknown

“Coffee with a friend is the best therapy.” – Unknown

“If you can’t remember my name, just say coffee…I’ll turn around.” – Unknown

“Good days start with coffee, but I drink it all day long just in case.” – Unknown

“Coffee makes everything possible.” – Unknown


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